Classes Begin
It was then time to start learning. Classes covered both the theoretical and practical sides of farming. The theory we learnt in lectures in classrooms and the practical in the buildings and fields with the Institute. Our classroom teachers both male and female were younger, the outside and practical work taught by older men. We were a lively and energetic bunch of girls from all over Lancashire and whilst some had a farming background, the majority of us did not, and we were very ignorant of what lay ahead.
Our training covered the many aspects of the farming we were likely to encounter; whilst farming is essentially practical what we had to be aware of was the theory, the seasons, rotation of crops, fertilization, sowing, tending, harvesting, storage and many other things besides. We were expected to take and keep notes and do our “homework” of an evening. The practical training included that of the dairy, making cheese and butter, hand milking of the Institute’s cows, bottling the milk, washing and disinfecting the bottles beforehand and cleaning up the milking parlor and dairy afterward we had taken the cows back to the fields, all twice a day.
We learnt how to handle poultry; feeding and collecting the eggs from the batteries the birds were in, and for those destined for the table to kill, clean pluck and truss them for the oven. Despite our qualms, we had to learn to do quickly and humanely kill birds. Our first attempts led to horrible surprises as the “dead” whose necks we had wrung would suddenly stir, hop off the bench and run away. Our Instructor promptly grabbed these escapees and did the job properly. But it was a bit disconcerting. Cleaning out the huge battery houses was a horrible job with the pungent acrid aroma of the droppings that got in my hair and clothes. Despite this I got to like working with hens and all their little ways.
We had pigs too and they were always amusing. Often we had to enter their pens and pigs are very difficult to catch being so agile, and one day when it was all wet and muddy I slipped and fell among them. Not so good was the killing and butchering, for pigs appear to sense what was intended beforehand and squealed in their distress very loudly and pitifully. The need for all this I was supposed to get used to, but never did.
I was at Hutton 1949-1950 and worked there for the following year until I was offered a post at the Min of Ag. in Winckley Square, Preston .
Hutton saw one of the best years of my life.
We were all devastated when it closed down, but they organised a grand Farewell Reunion, slap up meal, entertainment and overnight accommodation.
I could go on and on!
Cheers from Joan.
Thank you Joan for those remarks and I’m pleased you found your way to Jeanne’s website. Perhaps you will go “on and on” with your remembrances as I’m sure there are others still around with memories of Hutton and what it meant to them.
Jeanne always spoke highly of her time there, not only from what she learned practically but the friendships she made and the comradely atmosphere of all the young girls together and from all the different backgrounds.
John Flann, for the late Jeanne Flann.
Any photo as from 74 to 76 hutton
I was a student at Hutton from 1958-60 as a student in the poultry department. If you have any photos of the college, I would very much appreciate a copy for a book I am writing.
Sorry no. The only photos that I had are the ones shown on the website. I wish I had more.
No, sorry, no photos beyond those on the site.
My late parents, Ian and Gladys Hammonds (nee Brierley) met at the agricultural college in Hutton where they went to study poultry husbandry in the early 1950’s. They married in 1955 and after undertaking smaller agricultural work jobs, set up their own poultry farm producing eggs. If anyone has any information about the Hutton college from the early 1950’s I would be very interested to read about it.
If any posts anything, I will be sure to let you know.
Hi, I did an NCA at Hutton 1983/84. If there is anyone reads this that attended the same year course I would love to hear from them! I lost contact with everyone from that course. Please contact me, my email is Regards Pete
I hope you find some of your classmates through the site and your comment.
Hi a from Hutton from 1966 to 1967